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Senior Manager Accounting & Reporting (w/m/d)

Galactic Quality, Interstellar Success in Product Assurance

10 - 20% Homeoffice
€ 4.900 - € 6.500
Job Nr. EPIN40912

Deine zukünftige Rolle

As Senior Manager you will lead a team of 4 on site, for this Mission Control has assigned you the following tasks:

  • Leading the Accounting & Finance department for Austria
  • Preparation of the monthly and annual financial statements according to UGB and IFRS
  • Maintain account reconciliations and ensure the accuracy of ledger accounts
  • Conduct monthly reporting and deliver accurate financial data to stakeholders
  • Support in the implementation of accounting group requirements as well as participation in projects (internal controls, implementation of SAP S/4HANA, etc.)
  • Preparing local statutory statements
  • Act as the key counterpart for local audit processes

Du bietest

  • Completed higher business education with a focus on finance: MBA or MSc. or Bachelor degree in Finance
  • Several years of experience in finance, preferably in the automotive, production, aviation, or aerospace industry
  • Expertise in local law, accounting principles and IFRS
  • Team player with open-mindedness and intercultural competence as well as strong communication skills
  • Solution-oriented and independent work approach with high service orientation and organizational skills
  • Fluent in German and English

Das Besondere an dieser Position

  • Opportunities and Challenges: New products and projects are already in the pipeline - seize the chance to be part of new developments
  • Space Products - the products help to enable important missions in space that ultimately benefit humanity
  • Family environment - employees appreciate the flexibility in working hours and the possibility of additional days off due to familiarisation time (Fenstertage)
  • Mixed international environment - employees are proud to be part of a company that has a positive impact on the world
  • Self-driven, always opportunities - Space for individual further education
  • Core values - Opportunity to further establish yourself as a manager and take on responsibility

Deine Ansprechperson

Stefanie Jandrisits

Recruiting Partner

+43 1 523 82 07-319

Zum Personenprofil


Flexible Arbeitszeiten
Kaffee & Tee
Kein Dresscode
Modernes Büro
Öffentliche Erreichbarkeit
Sport- und Freizeitangebote


EUR 4.900 EUR 6.500
Das Gehalt liegt je nach Qualifikation & Erfahrung zwischen EUR 4.900 und EUR 6.500 brutto / Monat (auf Vollzeitbasis).

Hier geht es zum Brutto Netto Rechner.

Deine Ansprechperson

Stefanie Jandrisits

Recruiting Partner

+43 1 523 82 07-319

Zum Personenprofil

Senior Manager Accounting & Reporting (w/m/d)
Senior Manager Accounting & Reporting (w/m/d)
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